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About Us

Encomium 2020 is a non-profit organization whose main goal is to foster sustainable community development and enhance overall well-being by promoting resilience and improving standards of living, through addressing key areas of health, education, water and sanitation, and agriculture – areas that significantly impact community growth, resilience, and prosperity. Our intervention programs are not just band-aid solutions but comprehensive strategies that lay the foundation for long-term well-being for we know that true progress comes from collective effort. Collaborating closely with local leaders in underserved communities, we create a nurturing environment where every individual can lead a dignified and prosperous life.

Encomium 2020 was established in 2019 as a Community Based Organization in Pakwach district, to augment community skills, abilities and knowledge through capacity building and to motivate the community to participate in development projects so as to assist all community members discover their own potentials towards the realization of sustainable community development. Encomium 2020 is now a fully registered and compliant non-government organization that is operational countrywide, driven by a powerful vision, prioritizing the basic needs of every person. From ensuring access to good nutrition and clean water to universal health and education services, we leave no stone unturned sowing seeds of hope and prosperity across communities and their environments.


* Professionalism
We gain a deep sense of satisfaction and self-worth through consistently aiming to achieve high standards in honoring our commitments to the best of our abilities.  

* Integrity
We are honest and consistently show uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical convictions.

* Empathy
We recognize, understand, and share the feelings, thoughts, emotions, experiences and perspectives of others from within their frame of reference. 

* Simplicity
We are sincere and free from deceit or guile, complexity, intricacy, pretentiousness and ornament.

* Enthusiasm
We take great eagerness and an excitement feeling of ardent and lively interest in all that we do.